How to Regrow Hair: 10 Must-Try Tips

Rick J.
Hair Loss Diet | Regrow Hair | How to Regrow Hair

A thinning or receding hairline isn't the end of the world. In many cases, it is unavoidable as we age. We can either slow down the hair loss or look for ways to regrow the hair that we can use in the comfort of our homes. Many natural, organic, and lifestyle changes can help regrow or improve a person's hair, and in this article, we give you a detailed list of the top ten methods to regrow your hair.

How To Regrow Hair

Numerous factors contribute to hair loss, including genetics, hormonal issues, fungal infections of the scalp, stress, autoimmune illnesses, and nutritional deficiencies. Depending on the cause and extent of hair loss, here are ten ways to recover your hair length and mass.

1. Regulate the amount of protein-rich foods in your diet

Your diet is the easiest to influence of all the factors that cause hair loss. A diet low in protein or filled with excess proteins accelerates hair loss.

Protein is the most vital nutrient for hair development because it makes up the majority of hair follicles. Get your average protein quota by eating lean meats, eggs, and fatty seafood like herring and salmon.

If you follow a high-protein diet, you may have eliminated or severely reduced your intake of carbs. A high-protein diet results in protein buildup in the hair follicles. Causing the hair strand to become dry, brittle, and dull. So, you have to ration your protein diet properly.


protein rich foods


2. Apply essential oils

Anyone wanting to prevent hair loss or enhance growth, in general, may find essential oils extremely helpful. They can both reduce hair loss and promote hair growth. 

Essential oils from lavender, peppermint, cedarwood, thyme, and ylang-ylang are an excellent supplemental treatment for thinning hair, excessive shedding, and other scalp-related problems. 

They help stimulate the scalp and hair follicles, encouraging new growth and stopping further fallout.

3. Use vitamin and mineral supplements

A supplement may help you significantly if your diet isn't giving you enough nourishment. Find out which nutritional inadequacies you're suffering from and get the appropriate supplements to improve your health. Or better still, find a multivitamin branded "for hair, skin, and nails."

Taking these oral treatments once or twice daily can make your hair grow longer, stronger, and healthier. This help maintains the scalp's color, encourages circulation, and promotes healthy sebum production to reverse hair loss. Or try to eat meals that contain high amounts of these inadequate minerals and vitamins.


supplements next to a comb


4. Avoid tight hairstyles

Several hairstyles, like tight braids, cornrows, or ponytails, can severely damage your hair. It's even worse if you frequently use accessories to hold your hair in place. This style and accessories tense your hair and cause the strands to break or seem thin.

Experts advise limiting the usage of hair accessories and refraining from wearing hairstyles that pull on your hair all the time for healthy hair.

It is better to use hairpins with balled ends, clips with rubber cushioning, and fabric hair ties rather than rubber bands when you do use hair accessories. Or better still, let your hair down.

5. Get scalp massages from professionals

Scalp massages provide a maximum level of relaxation from stress and fatigue. It reduces tension, rejuvenates the hair follicles, and promotes hair growth. Other ideas suggest regular massages may assist in widening blood vessels under the skin, thereby promoting hair development.

Try to gently massage your hair yourself on wash days or when applying conditioner. You may also purchase tools like brushes and scalp massagers to work your way across your scalp perfectly. Or you could visit a licensed massage therapist for a premium experience.

6. Use mild hair care products

These days, many hair products contain dangerous chemicals that are harsh on the hair follicles.
Avoid ingredients like sulfate, formaldehyde, parabens, alcohol, and toluene. Instead, use those that contain ingredients like essential oils, proteins, keratin, aloe vera gel, and caffeine.

Mild hair products reduce the risk of inflammation, dryness, itching, thinning, and breakage. You can try a few gentle products to know which works best. Or ask your hair care professional to suggest some natural products to treat and style your hair to lower the risk of hair loss and keep your healthy hair.


hair care products


7. Use prescription medication to regrow hair

There are helpful medications that stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss. 

Medications like Minoxidil, Cortisone injections, finasteride, Silicea, Nioxin vitamins, and Licorice extracts strengthen hair follicles, remedy pattern baldness, receding hairlines, and general hair loss when used correctly.

Minoxidil, aka Rogaine, is the common OTC medication for regrowing hair strands. However, you may need to use it diligently for a few months to notice significant improvement. 

8. Adjust your hair care routine

Your hair will regrow and thrive if you don't put it under a lot of stress. Avoid straightening, smoothing, blow drying, or tinting your hair until it has significantly recovered. 

The more heat and chemicals you subject your follicles to during your hair care routines, the less likely your hair can grow. Gently brush your hair regularly, sleep with a silk scarf, get frequent trims and focus more on scalp care in your revised routine.

9. Get enough sleep

Your hair needs a healthy amount of sleep; beyond influencing your capacity to create enough human growth hormone, sleeping aids in releasing melatonin, which has been associated with hair growth. Your growth hormones assist you in having a healthy rate of hair growth by accelerating cell reproduction when you're sleeping.

Sleeping for a steady seven to nine hours each night is ideal, but getting only four to six hours a night is undoubtedly wrong for you in the long run.


a man sleeping


10. Get professional help

Finding the cause of hair loss and, consequently, the best way to cure or prevent hair loss can be challenging at times. A dermatologist can do a thorough hair and scalp examination to help you determine the cause of your hair loss, review your medical history, and learn about any lifestyle factors affecting your hair's health.

To learn more, your dermatologist may thoroughly examine your hair and scalp and may take a sample of your hair or a biopsy of your scalp. Depending on where your location is, we can connect you with a licensed medical dermatologist to examine, diagnose and proffer a solution to your hair loss. Get in touch with us now at Hair Transplant Pro to restore your hair to its former glory.

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